"May our G‑d remember them with favoUR"
Recited on the last day of each Biblical holiday, there is something uniquely poignant and reverential about the recital of Yizkor to honour the memory of our dearly departed loved ones. Although not necessary, paying such tribute within the confines of the synagogue allows the Torah scrolls to bear witness to our expressions of love, loyalty, gratitude, and continuity.
Due to the current circumstances, I, Rabbi Leibele, am volunteering to serve as your proxy in offering the Pesach Yizkor prayer for your loved ones – while clutching a Sefer Torah – on your behalf.
On Sunday (Apr 2) morning, although many of us will be praying from our own homes, spiritually, I will have every single Shulounger very much in mind and heart.
Please complete the form below with the names of your loved ones and their mother’s names. I will mention them at Yizkor time, as I pray to be worthy of the awesome task with which I will have been entrusted.
May the souls of our righteous loved ones achieve an aliya (ascent) in the heavens above, and may they prevail upon Hashem to bring this protracted crisis to an end, along with an end to all pain, suffering, anguish, and distress on the part of all his loving and devoted children.
PS – Included within the Yizkor prayer, we pledge to donate charity in our loved one's merit. As it is customary to give Tzedakah in conjunction with Yizkor, an opportunity to fulfil this Mitzvah is available upon submitting the form. Please know, however, that a donation is not mandatory for the submission of names.